Don’t Mix Politics and Investing
As we approach another election season, the chatter about its potential impact on financial markets is hard to ignore.
Read moreApple, Snapchat, and the Long-Term Case for Stocks
Discussions about investing often overlook the obvious fact that stocks are businesses. Although we invest in mutual funds and ETFs (baskets of stocks),...
Read moreElection Years and the Stock Market: Don’t Play Politics with Your Portfolio
Most everyone is tired of hearing about the election. We are too. Still, considering the event’s significance and our conversations with worried investors, we want to share some...
Read moreLast year reminded everyone that investing is hard. It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant. Market volatility can diminish willpower and...
Read moreDealing with the Taxation of Capital Gain Distributions
In wrapping up your 2017 taxes, you may have noticed that your account produced more taxable income than in previous years. Much of the reason may be capital gain...
Read moreIn sum, everyone should take a moment to appreciate 2017 and pat themselves on the back. As always, the world offered many causes for concern. You overcame skepticism, remained disciplined, and...
Read moreSeafarer’s Story: How and why we added Seafarer Overseas Growth & Income Fund to our Portfolios
Naturally, Dorian Gray came up in a discussion about emerging market currencies (the connection is obvious right?!). Andrew Foster, founder and portfolio manager of Seafarer Funds, was...
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