Ben Peters Ben Peters

Q2 2024 Commentary

Every bull market, a stock breaks into the Zeitgeist. A few years ago, it was Tesla. This bull market, it is Nvidia.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

Best Practices to Prevent and Deal with Cybersecurity Breaches

Securing and keeping a watchful eye on the accounts you entrust to us is our foremost duty. In light of increasing threats, we want to remind everyone to stay informed and vigilant.

We have assembled a checklist of best practices to prevent and deal with cybersecurity breaches.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

AI and the Investing Landscape

We had a fascinating conversation on the investment landscape for Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Marc Nabi of Capital Group on Wednesday.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

Roaring 2020s?

In the throes of March 2020 and October 2022, no one foresaw an imminent bull market. Many obsessed over how much deeper stocks would plunge. Per the recently departed Charlie Munger, “the first rule of compounding is to never interrupt it unnecessarily.”

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Ben Peters Ben Peters


We added short-term bonds to many portfolios. Most received short-term Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). There are three main reasons: (1) Reliable Liquidity for Distributions, (2) Inflation Protection, (3) Diversification.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

2023 Recap - A Pessimism-Defying Rally

This time last year, pessimism was rampant. Investors had just endured a brutal 2022, inflation was high, and every 2023 forecast referred to a potential, likely, or inevitable recession.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

The SAVE Plan: A Student Loan Solution

For years, student loans have been burdened by uncertainty. For the millions of Americans who will start repaying their loans this month, the SAVE plan may offer a solution they have been waiting for.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

Q2 2023 Commentary

Despite rampant recession-talk heading into 2023, the stock market has had a strong first half of the year. Pessimistic forecasters kept many investors on the sidelines. While a recession may come, pessimists may have missed a great entry into the market.

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Q1 2023 Commentary

Why aren’t stocks going down? The near-term landscape is full of obvious risks and precarity. Shouldn’t the market reflect the dark horizons? Sometimes, the market goes up because of good news. Sometimes, it goes up because the bad news is no worse than what investors already expected.

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webinar Ben Peters webinar Ben Peters

Webinar Replay: Seafarer

Below is a replay of a fascinating and globe-trotting conversation with Paul Espinosa, co-portfolio manager of the Seafarer Overseas Growth and Income Fund (SIGIX/SFGIX).

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

A Positive Note at the End of a Tough Year

Discoveries like these will generate significant benefits in the coming decades. Companies will harness their power and disseminate their value throughout the global economy. Diversified and patient investors will capture much of that value.

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webinar Ben Peters webinar Ben Peters

Webinar Replay: Osterweis

Carl Kaufman gives the Fed a C+ for their moves this year. Like the embarrassing uncle, the Fed is late to the party with raising rates and may be overstaying their welcome.

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BEW Webinar with DFA’s Apollo Lupescu, PhD

Apollo is matchless at weaving together data, anecdotes, and behavioral biases to educate investors on how to make sound, evidence-based decisions. His lessons are evergreen, but they are especially important to recognize in the face of harrowing markets, like we see today.

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2021 Year-End Summary

Lesser challenges have derailed past bull markets. And yet, we’re thirteen years into the post-Great Recession uptrend. All but three of those years have featured double-digit S&P 500 returns. The last three years have been the best run since the late 1990s.

What a wonderful time to be an investor, right?

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BEW Webinar with David Polak of Capital Group

David then unpacked how 2021 has affected his views on China (made him more wary), taking us through how the government approaches which sectors to support and which to regulate. He addressed how the global surge in venture capital may lead to more dominant international companies, the mechanics around Brexit, and what sectors and trends he believes may be interesting opportunities in the years ahead.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

BEW Trip to Napa

Two years after our last firm social gathering, in September we took a half-day adventure to the ONEHOPE Winery in Napa Valley. With so many new faces here, it was great to break out of the office/virtual world and enjoy each other’s company.

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Why Everyone Needs an (Up-to-Date!) Estate Plan

An up-to-date estate plan goes beyond just trying to minimize taxes and expenses. At its core, estate planning ensures that your assets transfer to whom you want and that the right person(s) has the power to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf. In addition, by removing uncertainty about your wishes in case of incapacity or death, a proper estate plan provides peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

Podcast: Ben Peters Discusses His Journey to BEW

Today, Ben Peters is a Lead Advisor and Principal at Burton Enright Welch, as well as BEW’s Chief Compliance Offer. But his career journey was far from typical. He was recently featured on the New Planner Podcast, a show hosted by New Planning Recruiting co-founder Caleb Brown that helps people start and accelerate their financial planning careers. Ben talks about his unconventional path and what he finds most rewarding about his work as a financial planner.

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2020 Year-End Summary

Second, 2020 should humble investors from drawing direct lines from the news or their lives to stock markets. Most expect the market narrative to match their worldview. Often, this approach allows fear to drive action. There are too many variables with too much unpredictability, uncertainty, and potential bias for anyone to reliably draw these lines.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

The Three Drivers of Equity Returns

To paraphrase Howard Marks, there is no asset so good that it can’t become a bad investment at too high a price. Our dual investment mandate is to compound clients’ wealth and remain mindful of the risks. The current U.S. bull market has done the compounding part well. We believe that a conservative approach to U.S. stocks pays heed to the potential risks moving forward.

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BEW Ben Peters BEW Ben Peters

BE's 30-Year Anniversary

July 4, 2019 marked 30 years (!!!) since Peter Burton and Bob Enright’s handshake agreement to form a partnership that lasts until today. Legend has it that fireworks went off when they shook hands.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

Three-Peat for BEW

For the third year in a row, we are proud to announce our inclusion on the Financial Times’ Top 300 ranking of the country’s top independent RIA (Registered Investment Advisory) firms.

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2018 Year-End Summary

Last year reminded everyone that investing is hard. It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant. Market volatility can diminish willpower and cause determination to waver. The main risk is not portfolio declines. The real risk is that instincts override the discipline investors need to achieve their long-term plan.

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Ben Peters Ben Peters

The Stock Market Does Not Equal The Economy

The relationship between the economy and stock market is not as strong as many expect. Economic data is backward-looking; it uses what has already happened to estimate where the economy is.

The market is forward-looking. Today’s economic data is already reflected in stock prices. Expectations and emotion (fear and greed) drive short-term stock prices far more than economic fundamentals.

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Mutual Funds Ben Peters Mutual Funds Ben Peters

What Is a Mutual Fund?

At the heart of our process are the tools we use. Most are mutual funds. In discussions, we often gloss over this fact and cut straight to how the funds are allocated. Here, we will take a step back and review some mutual fund basics.

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Seafarer's Story: How and why we added Seafarer Overseas Growth & Income Fund to our Portfolios

Naturally, Dorian Gray came up in a discussion about emerging market currencies (the connection is obvious right?!). Andrew Foster, founder and portfolio manager of Seafarer Funds, was explaining to us his outlook when impromptu he launched into Dorian Gray.

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Economics Ben Peters Economics Ben Peters

Beware of Forecasting Season

January means it’s time for the media to pronounce its always-bold, never-remembered New Year’s predictions. You will see, hear, and read grand prognostications. They have a general bias to provoking fear. Take them lightly.

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Index, Investment Returns, Statistics Ben Peters Index, Investment Returns, Statistics Ben Peters

"The Market Is at an All-Time High..." What Does this Mean for Investors?

"On a daily basis, the S&P 500 trades at an all-time high 7% of the time and trades within 5% of an all-time high 36% of the time. This means that on 43% of all days, since the S&P 500’s inception, US large cap stocks were at or close to making new records. Anyone who tells you that new highs are abnormal or a reason to sell is a fool."

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